Thursday, October 22, 2009

Breaking the Fast- Day 4

Things are going great. I have TONS of energy back! I've also been in an unbelievably good mood all week. I really feel terrific. I'm still eating mostly raw fruit and veggies. I've had some rice and some freshly ground peanut butter, too. While I had a little success this morning in the *ahem* bathroom, I basically have three days-worth of food still making its way through my system, and I can tell.

I've been trying to be as active as possible this week. It's getting harder with the days getting shorter. I'm going to go for my first run tonight when I get home. I'll keep it short- only a mile or two. I'm curious to see if running feels a lot different with 20 pounds gone. I'll let you know. I have put a couple of pounds back on since Monday, but I'm not surprised at all- with all this food still in my body...


Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

I'd like to thank you for making a blog of your progress. You make this seem a little more obtainable. I hope to do a juice fast with some sea salt cleansing once my juicer gets here. I don't want to scare myself by saying I'll do a lot, then I'll freak out and quit. Instead I'll take every day as a goal so that every day I reach my goal. I want to get to three days, but ultimately I'm hoping for 10 days, considering I'm not a vegan and this will be my first fast ever I think that will be a great achievement for me.