Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fasting Blog- Day 8

I feel pretty great this morning. I slept a lot again last night, and I didn't want to get get out of bed this morning because I was so comfy (plus it's effin cold this morning outside). My boss said I look radiant today. I feel kinda radiant! I'll tell you what's NOT radiant: my mouth. My mouth is icky icky icky. There's been some sort of chemistry shift in my mouth, and I don't like it. I don't think I have bad breath- it just has a funny consistency/texture. I've never brushed my teeth so many times a day in my life. I should go get those new on-the-go toothbrushes that don't require any water.

I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to break the fast. I think I'm coming up with a good plan. It basically involves a very lengthy process (a week or longer) of phasing foods back into my diet. I plan on continuing my blog to talk about that process. The first food I plan to eat: 1 kiwi... with a spoon. :)


Let's Talk About My Pee-Pee!
I will try not to be gross. Firstly, I was surprised to discover that the color of my pee-pee remains a rather deep yellow despite the amount of water I'm drinking. Today, I got to work in the morning, and I probably drank around 2 liters of water over the course of the day. I was a little surprised (this happened yesterday, too) that I didn't have an urge to go to the bathroom until 4pm or so. When I did go, though, Katy wuz racehorse. I usually have to pee-pee every 20 minutes when I drink so much water in a day. I'm not sure why this has happened the last couple of days. I will ponder it. Also, I noticed in my racehorse-like alleviation today that there was also little tiny bits of stuff in my pee-pee. I can only imagine that this has to be crap my body is flushing out. It's kinda of interesting to see this stuff happen!

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