Friday, October 9, 2009

Fasting Blog- Day 3

So I got home last night after walking home (4 miles) and was pretty darn exhausted. I got into bed with the cat and watched a movie. I fully intended to go upstairs to my neighbor's place to watch the Red Sox playoff game, but I fell asleep by 9pm. It turns out that I didn't want to watch that game anyway- our Sox were shut out 5-0. Grrr...

I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Twas not clear piss- even though I drank sooooooo much water yesterday. I betcha that is a lot of bodily junk being expelled. :)

I woke up this morning a little groggy- probably because I had slept so long and erratically. I've had a few little hunger pangs this morning, but nothing that doesn't go away in a couple of moments once I turn my attention away from it. Today is still supposed to be a juice/orange day. I'm waiting to see how work goes- whether I'll actually need it today. Time will tell.

I lost another 2+ pounds since yesterday: 184.4->181.8

I'm almost at the end of my work day before a three-day weekend. I think I'm ready to not have any more juice (not that I've been drinking much of it anyway- only one 6oz cup earlier). I was just thinking to myself how fasting would be easier at home where I can relax, veg-out and not be responsible for much. However, just last night I was thinking how much easier it would be to be at work where I have stuff to keep myself occupied! I dunno. I'll just have to find ways to keep mentally busy this weekend while taking it easy physically. Maybe I'll work on some more paintings this weekend.

Karl, my awesome boss, asked me what I was doing for lunch today, and I reluctantly told him I was fasting (reluctantly because I've gotten such negative reactions from people so far). Karl, however, seemed pleasantly surprised! He has done them in the past. He even produced a bag of Yogi Fasting tea from his office, and I showed him that I already had lots of it! It was nice to finally come in contact with someone else who understands the experience.

I had considered walking home again today, but as I was packing up for the day, my knees still ached from running last week and my lower back was sore (no apparent reason). I decided to listen to my body and take the train home instead. Watching Walk the Line in bed.

1 comment:

gretchenosis said...

nice to see you on here. i've done several similar fasts in the past; i used to do them twice a year or so, mainly to cleanse but also to sort of spiritually reset. takes fortitude, that's for sure. i always hit day four or five and felt incredible clarity.