Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fasting Blog- Day 4

Whoa... woke up this morning and was really light-headed. I became a little nauseous while putting on my make-up. I've had some water, and I'm making some tea. I'm feeling a little better, but I hope to be more recovered in the next half hour before I have to go out for the afternoon (Tosca Live in HD... rock!!). Breathing deeply seems to help a lot.

181.8->180.8 this morning

Thankfully, I recovered from my illness this morning pretty quickly. I felt fine by the time Chris arrived to go with me to the opera, and I continue to feel good now. My friend Chris also recently did a fast, so it was great to talk to him about his experiences. He has recommended daily enemas. We'll see if I do that. ;) I also thought that maybe I would spend the money I'm saving on food this week on going to a spa for a professional high-colonic. I'll think about it.

I'm still not feeling hungry. I do have a strong reaction when I smell food, though. Food smells totally awesome everywhere. While I don't feel sick like I did this morning, I definitely feel weird. I think it's a little like an out-of-body experience.

Chris and I went for a walk in the cemetery when we got back from the opera, and I was surprised to find myself feeling a little winded, and I had very tight calf muscles. I'm the girl who can walk 4 miles without breaking a sweat. It was strange to have such a light walk be so taxing. I also have some muscle pain in my back.

I'm planning on a trip into Boston to see my school's wind ensemble play tonight. I figure I should stay active while not being too physical. Another concert sounds like a great idea.

Exhausted. I did a lot for a gal on a fast. My muscles are very sore as I'm getting into bed tonight. Still no hunger. I hope the muscle pain won't keep me from sleeping well tonight.


Ganesha Kundalini Breath said...

Go, Katy, go! Was it just a year ago that you were smoking? And now vegan, and now fasting! You got the power!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katy,
I've had the same lower back pains every time I fast. Experts say the kidneys are throwing off all kinds of toxins and that the nerve supply there is very close to the surface, and the spinal cord. They recommended cold packs, but I like the hot packs myself.