Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fasting Blog- Day 7

I slept like a baby last night. I keep getting these compliments about my skin. People are saying that I look really tanned or bright. I did go to Hawaii earlier this year and got the best tan of my life, but I think the fast is actually making my skin look nicer.

The walk from the T stop to work today was a bit of a challenge. The last thing I have to do before getting to my office is to go up a flight of stairs. I was really winded by the time I got to my office- more so than at any point yesterday. My muscles are still pretty achy. I'm going to ask my neighbor (massage therapist) if she can help me out with some body work today or tomorrow. I read something about people having muscle tightness, and it's because of the build-up of toxins in muscle tissue- especially in the lower legs. That seems to make sense.

I'm back at work today, and I'm glad to be busy. We'll see how the day goes.


I did really well at work today. My tummy has been feeling a little oogey late this afternoon. It's not a hungry feeling... just an oogey feeling. I did another saline wash when I got home, and it was the most productive one yet. I think I'm going to sleep well again tonight. I'm beat.

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